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Booking a ticket

You need to book a ticket to take part in an activity or even to visit exhibitions.

Here are the instructions for online bookings

Réserver un billet

By phone

  • Monday between 10h30am and 1pm
  • Wednesday between 10h30am and 1pm

Call +33 (0)1 53 01 86 57. You can pay for your place by credit card.

On line ticketing

You must have a nominative account on the mahJ ticketing site: If you have already created one, you will need your login and password. If you do not have an account, you will be asked to create one.

Book your ticket 

Stage 1

  • Got to achat de billet d'entrée. For an activity, access the ticket office from the "ticket" button on the page,
  • CChoose the free ticket - disability (also take a ticket for your companion), click on add to basket. Cliquez sur continuer votre achat (ce bouton se trouve toujours en bas de page, à droite),
  • Choose the date of your visit and click on next
  • Choose the time of your visit and click on next,

Stage 2

  • Log in with your email address and password if you already have an account at the mahJ.
  • Or create your account: choose which information you want to receive before validating by filling in a CAPCHA code. After validation, you will receive an email confirming the opening of this account,

Stage 3

  • Validate your purchase (even for a free ticket),

Stage 4

  • You will receive an order confirmation email and an email with the ticket(s) attached. You have completed your booking if you find the ticket(s) in your mailbox.

Stage 5 

  • Write to the "disability" contact to inform the teams of your arrival and reserve a place for your companion 

On the day you choose, present this/these ticket(s) at the controls (please respect the schedule). You can discover the exhibition in the best possible conditions of tranquillity because the number of visitors is respected. Enjoy your visit!





Free admission, discount on most activities for holders of on of these cards:

- from the ONACVG,
- from the MDPH (disability cards, mobility and inclusion cards, standing cards), 
- or a foreign disability card.

The accompanying person does not pay.


from Monday to Friday: 

By phone at Marie-Pierre Delaporte: +33 (0)1 53 01 86 56