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Jardin d'Eden

Paris, France,
20e siècle
ancien inv.
Matériel documentaire
Dimensions :
Chaque panneau : H. 52,2 - L. 126 cm (à vue)
Peint en grisaille sur contreplaqué
Fonds du musée d'Art juif de Paris

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Appartenance à un ensemble
Série de 3 panneaux en grisaille
Copie des fresques de la synagogue de Kobrin, (voir photos)
La communauté juive de Kobryn eut une synagogue en bois édifiée en XVe siècle dans la rue Pinskaya (document de 1473). Elle brûla lors d'un incendie qui ravagea la ville en 1863.
La communauté juive collecta ensuite de l'argent pour construire un bâtiment en briques qui fut inauguré.
"In the circle on the ceiling were 12 painted pictures of the Zodiac in a traditional way. On the long wall of the Women's Gallery, which took the entire width of the synagogue, were various drawings to demonstrate the verse: "Light as an Eagle, Fast as a Deer, and Strong as a Lion to do the Will of Your Father who is in Heaven." In the drawing, the eagle is in its flight, light and quiet; the deer is in its quick running, a run in which the ground is not touched; and the lion has a head of one who is very sharp and knowledgeable, with two intelligent, contemplative eyes, standing on the grass, a stance which has confidence in its might. On the same wall on the right side was also a demonstration of the verse in Song of Songs: "My Dove in the Crevasses of the Rock." The innocent understood the meaning of the verse the same way that the Rabbi explained it to his students on Friday during the study of "Song of Songs": A rock filled with holes, and from one of those holes comes a dove, and when she comes up, there in front of her is a venomous snake curled around the rock and waiting for its victim, and above the dove a hawk ready to devour her, and the dove is terrified to death seeing the great danger. "
Trois panneaux encadrés, de fragments de fresque monochrome, représentant au premier plan, une grille de fer forgée, retenue par des colonnes entourant un Jardin planté d'arbres chargés de fruits, de fleurs. Les motifs au centre de chacun des panneaux sont les animaux symboliques : l'aigle tenant un lièvre dans ses serres, une panthère tachetée, un cerf courant.